Many millennia ago, a small fraction of humanity, for reasons still shrouded in mystery, evolved into superhumans, possessing higher strength, speed, durability and telekinetic abilities. This humanoid breed became known as Wielders of Light.
Four years ago, Kira, a young Wielder, suffered a tragedy, which shaped her life beyond recognition. She was branded a criminal and, for reasons unknown to her, someone had put a target on her back. She, with her infant sister in her arms, was forced into hiding.
Now, Kira lives an ordinary, low-key human life under a fake identity, keeping herself and her sister hidden from her unidentified enemies.
One day, when a violet mercenary group attacks her workplace, Kira, to protect her sister, is forced to reveal her Wielder heritage. After her secret . She is tested on the lengths she's willing to go in order to ensure her sister's future.
In the background of Kira's personal struggle, political games are being played on a massive scale, inevitably pulling her into their orbit.
Kira doesn't yet realize it, but her life is slowly becoming intertwined with events that are about to shape the fate of an entire galaxy.
And then there's Ryan…

COMING SOON, sort of...

The story is written, but needs a cover and editing process, which will be obtained using the financial gains form the "part one".


The story is written, but needs a cover and editing process, which will be done from the financial gains of "part one" and "part two".
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